Sunday, April 12, 2009

A Week in the Life Of...

This has sure been an “exciting” week. My Mom always said “There is never a dull moment around here!” I don’t have three little kids like she did, but the saying was still true for me this week.

Can’t even remember what I did on Sunday, but I know it was work related.

Then Monday was my day off: I slept in until 8:30
- did three loads of laundry and a heap of dirty dishes from the weekend
actually cooked something for lunch, Dominican Republic style beans (yum!)
- wrote for the blog and drove to the hotel parking lot to send it
- tried to catch up on correspondence (wrote about 30 e-mails and 7 of the letters I owe)
- and had 4 hour-long phone calls from people who know that Monday is my day off

Tuesday: had a meeting with the head elder from 10-11:30am
- a Bible study with the blind lady at noon, mailed stuff at the post office
- tried to follow up on some other people and worked on a Bible study I was to give
got a call on the church phone from some unknown lady requesting prayer for all kinds of things (some very strange things too) and after listening for 20 minutes she warned me not to judge her or try to find out how she lives and hung up ???
the man who owns this trailer came to check on the refrigerator. (It died last Saturday. I’ve been keeping my food in the church’s fridge.) He ended up buying a new one, tearing this one out and installing the new one with the muscles of a church member who came over to help. Thankfully I had my tools here for them to use. They left the place looking like a construction zone, but I have a new fridge, that works!
had a study with a new lady, Mary, from 6-8pm... it was a fun study as she had a lot of questions about what will happen when she dies and was SO happy to find answers!
10:15pm, just as I was turning off the light to go to bed, I got a call from Dr Vanessa asking if I could take her to the airport tomorrow. I told her I would, but that I have an appointment at 11am. She said she would try to find someone else. Then as I was drifting off to sleep another call from my Uncle that lasted until 11pm...

Wednesday: at 4am the phone rang...
Vanessa couldn’t find anyone else to take her to the airport - in Dallas (3 1/2 hours away). She had been up most of last night and the whole night before delivering a baby and just couldn’t drive on that much sleep! So I hopped into my clothes (not without feeling sorry for myself I must admit) and packed some breakfast and headed for her house. We were on the road by 5am and made it to Dallas by morning rush hour : / I had never been to Dallas before and missed my exit and ended up going through downtown... They drive crazier there than in San Jose!!! But God kept me sane and safe. Vanessa made her plane and I was back on the road by 8am. Made it back to Marshall at exactly 11am (yes I went 7mph over the speed limit, both ways).
my directions for this 11am appointment were still at my trailer. Aauugghh! I tried to go by what I remembered and ended up lost. Finally arrived at 11:30am after help from the other guest who was also late and therefore still home to answer my call! But I was visiting a German lady for brunch without a gift (German tradition to bring a gift when you visit) and without a shower! or the proper clothes. Oh well! It was a fun visit and I got to meet her friend, Lucy, from Puerto Rico
back to the trailer for a shower and 1 hour nap (interrupted by a phone call too)
off to another Bible study, but that 15 yr old girl was sick, so back home
6:00-7:30pm Prayer Meeting/Bible study, where I was leading out
ate something and went to bed at 9pm. (with my phone turned off this time!)

Thursday: hurried to get out on my route for delivering drop-off Bible studies...
usually takes 2 hours for the route, but it was really windy today, had to drive slower
a visit with a lady named Joy who lost her husband and has her entire family living in her house (chaos!) I had to use the bathroom right now or I would wet my pants, but the 15 yr old granddaughter who has recently had a baby was taking a shower. Joy told her I needed to use the bathroom and told me to go on in. Weird to be using the bathroom with a stranger in the shower right next to me! only in a job like this...
picked up Josh, the 10 yr old who has been going door-to-door with me on Thurs.
had a Bible study with a guy in his 20’s who’s a recovering addict, neat guy
followed up a few more people and took Josh home (he felt miserable with sinus stuff)
went home for lunch? at 5:30pm and did some paperwork
7pm drove the 20 min to a Bible study with a 9 yr old Mexican boy, first had to watch him and his 6 yr old brother on the trampoline (Mexican Jumping Beings!) his Mom talked a LOT afterwards, and I couldn’t leave until 9:15pm aye, aye, aye
while driving home got a frantic call from a church member “Where are you?!” There was a tornado warning out, headed straight for the church...
made it to the trailer in time to grab my weather radio, water and blanket and head next door to the cement block church building to hunker down until it passed at 11pm

Friday: my time with God was extra special this a.m. thinking about Easter
- cooked and cleaned for Sabbath and put my food into the new fridge
more phone calls and prepared for group Bible study
2pm Bible study with a little group of women at some senior apartments, really fun
met up with a lady from church who took me an hour away to Dangerfield State Park, we stayed until sundown and loved every minute of the wooded trails and lake
supper and call to my folks and Uncle Kevin, then bed!

Sabbath: woke up not feeling tired for the first time this week!
enjoyed Bible study and church service, locked up (Elder Hewes gone this weekend)
shared a bit of dessert “for the road” with one of the members whose wife died recently
enjoyed a leisurely and on-time lunch and dessert myself : )
watched a DVD on Revelation chapters 4 and 5 by Stephen Bohr
wrote what I have been learning about prayer for the blog
read a few chapters of a book by Richard O’Ffill
played the harmonica, as the sun set, for my own little vespers
called and talked to my sister and nephews for awhile
got a call from my parents that lasted until 11pm

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