Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Bit of Beauty

A lady that I drop off Bible study lessons to each week has a corner of her yard that is full of amaryllis flowers. (Yes, they can be grown outside down here in Texas!) Two weeks ago I commented on how beautiful they are. Mrs. Sneed said “Yah won’t me ta giff yah a buhb?”

I thought she was asking me if I wanted her to cut off a bud for me to take home. I knew I had another hour at least on my drop-off route and the poor thing would never survive the heat in my car. (the Little Red Chariot is almost like Elijah’s flaming chariot sometimes - the air conditioner doesn’t work anymore...) So I politely declined saying, “No thank you, the flowers last longer on the stalk...” She interrupted with “Yee-ah, that’s why I wuz sayin I gonna giff you a buhb! I’ll go in git my spade.”

Ahhh! She was offering to give me a BULB! (I am still not used to this accent around here. I have to repeat myself to these Texans sometimes too, so I guess we Iowan’s have an accent after all.) Now I was excited! I’ll take it home to Mom and she can grow it in the house. She doesn’t have this color yet. And they are SO beautiful!

Mrs. Sneed unselfishly gave me a huge hunk of the plant that was actually three large bulbs. And two of them were loaded with buds about to bloom. She probably has no idea how special that was to me. I love flowers, and have been really missing not having any sort of garden at all this year...

Back at the trailer I got permission to use the mop bucket out of the church for a temporary “flower pot.” Had to use a little clay saucer as a shovel to get some red clay dirt off of the pile behind the church. I put pine catkins and needles in the very bottom because I can’t punch a drain-hole in the church’s mop bucket of course! Hope these things will give a place for the water to drain into to keep it from rotting the bulbs.  When it rains I just pull the bucket under the trailer to keep from drowning the poor thing.

And so I am blessed with a bit of beauty. It is SO pretty right now! Had to share!

1 comment:

  1. It's nice to see that God gives you opportunities to enjoy your hobbies wherever you are! They look beautiful Tones!
