Thursday, May 12, 2011

Couldn’t wake up until 7am.  Did my steam treatment and read my Bible.  God was convicting me that I preached what I wanted to preach last night; not what He asked.  I finally repented and quit making excuses.  It was a painful realization, but I’m glad God doesn’t leave me to my stubborn self... I don’t want to be a brat like that Vyisha girl the other night!

In our team worship, Pr. Clark reported seeing the Muslim man again, walking slowly by his meeting with the little girl in tow.  He’s interested!  Some of our team looked so tired today.

Washed my shoes and skirt (in a bucket) and packed up my suitcase.  Tried to package up some of the dried jasmine flowers the girls had put in my hair, to take home.  Got gifts ready to hand out to the children on Friday night.

Jasmine flower among the tinsel of a garland.
All of us were invited to Pr. John’s for lunch.  It was a welcome and delicious relief from the rich hotel food.  By this time I wasn’t worried about getting sick from the food, as I was told that we would probably have to eat something at the village tomorrow!!!  Still, I avoided the raw things except for one bite of cucumber that seemed worth getting sick for (It was something fresh!  And no, I didn’t get sick from it, thankfully!)  They had the ever-present rice and dahl, an eggplant dish, potato curry, boiled eggs, some sort of burrito looking thing with eggs and cheese inside, and a tomato and green pea curry.  For dessert there were mangos and orange pop.  I was seated right in front of the fan, which isn’t as pleasant as it sounds as it could only blow hot air.  But I still felt sorry for everyone else - it was SO hot in that little cement room.  This building was an apartment on the back of a building in a seeming residential area.  It is the future sight of the conference office in that district.

The feast at Pr. John's house.
The conference office (far bottom left door and upstairs).  Not fancy!
People in this neighborhood stared at white people.   A neighbor lady was ironing clothes with an iron pan with a lid that opened to put hot coals in for heating.  How in the world can anyone iron like that in this heat?!  Sat in the front seat of the Sumo Tata this time and got to see a lot more... a lot more trash.  : )

Ironing day!  The iron is at top right by the flower pot.
At the hotel I e-mailed Mom and Dad, did another steam treatment (using a pan on the hot plate Pr. Kelly bought), and slept an hour or so.  Took two charcoal tablets as my throat is very sore today.  I didn’t share anything at the meeting tonight.  Just sat there I guess.  Don’t even remember it.

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