Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Couldn’t get my one eye to open this morning.  Apparently the little girl’s spit also has those foreign bacteria that we Americans are not used to.  I had a full blown eye infection.  Lisa Odenthal had a little bottle of saline solution in the first aid kit.  That would have to do.  I was afraid to look for any other kind of eye drops in case they were made with local water that would only add to the problem.  (We were told not to let local water get into any of the orifices of our bodies when we washed.  I doubt anyone followed that rule as it was too hot and dusty to not shower all over!)

In our team meeting this morning the church leaders gave us a proposed budget for the cost of us holding a two day training for all 86 of the workers in the area.  These workers  have entered 264 of the 7,000 villages in the Kurnool district of India.  Only four of them had been formally trained in a Christian college, and they were the leaders in the conference.  The other 34 had little or no official training.  The Adventist church there in India will hire any Christian to work as a Bible worker - whether or not they are from our denomination.  Apparently the differences we have between Christian denominations are minor compared to the differences between Christianity and Hindi or Muslim beliefs.  Many of these men go to a village and tell what they know of the Creator God who came to earth to die for their mistakes.  The workers receive VERY little pay and stay in homes at the mercy of the village people.  When they are received by a few people they set up a church - meeting in a home or outside.  If they are not received they move on to another village.  They are more like the apostles of Bible times than any people I have met to date.  And some of them don’t know the “basics” of Christianity that we take for granted here!  We were asked to share the Bible doctrines we know and some practical things like how to give a sermon.

The meeting at the village went well despite the fact that we forgot the projector and had to sing extra until someone could drive back and get it.  We didn’t get back home until 11:15pm tonight.  Everyone was exhausted.

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