Monday, March 16, 2009

Special thanks to Raquel Sancho

Many people have told me that I should join Facebook or get a blog or something.

Their reasons have been compelling: people will know where you are at and what you are doing, you will only have to write things once, you can post some of your pictures, people will be able to send short comments, and you can respond with short comments rather than a whole e-mail or handwritten letter... it will save you time and you will stay in touch better...

But my friend Raquel Sancho, who I met recently in San Jose, CA was very persistent with her suggestions for better communication.  "Toni, you have to get a blog or something, so I can still have Bible studies with you when I get back to the Philippines.  Post Bible studies for me!"

I don't know how often I will get a chance to post anything!  But along with the pictures, updates, and stories of adventures "with Him," I will try to include some Bible studies for you Raquel (and anyone else who cares to read them of course).  Thank you for insisting!  This will be fun for me to have an outlet for sharing with everyone what is most precious to me.  But please, keep studying God's Word on your own too!  OK?

Blessings,  Toni

P.S.  The "On the Spot" picture was taken near Karnak, Texas by my best friend Jacqueline Shelley.  She came from Michigan to visit me during her spring break.  We saw this abandoned building while on our way to Caddo Lake State Park and stopped for a few pictures.  Fun!


  1. I can't believe I actually got to come visit you. It's still like a dream. But it was a blast... even if my sunburn is still flaking. :) Thanks again. Can't wait until next time. :)

  2. TONI! Welcome to this century! :) I think blogs are way better than facebook. More efficient and less time-consuming. More individuality and less of the mob-mentality. Looking forward to having another great blog to read! And... you're more up-to-date than your brother now. :D

    BTW, Jacq, I got a sunburn too, but I never left Vancouver! Imagine sunburn in Vancouver in March...

  3. Glad to see you finally got a blog :-)

  4. Wow! Awesome sister! Good to see you have a blog now!
    Brand, when did you get time for sunburn? There were only a few minutes of sunshine and it was still cold! That's amazing!

  5. Glad you took my advice to do a blog (albeit the advice was given more than a year ago.....). I love it! And trust me: this is much classier than Facebook. Congrats!

  6. Toni, I agree with the others that this is a much better idea than Facebook. Although Facebook probably started out with good intentions unfortunately for too many it has turned into an obsession of collecting people like chattel, rather than connecting with people as individuals...yours is a good start.

    Ps. I have now reached that point in life where I can increasingly relate to your frustrations as a four year old...I guess what goes around truly does come around again!

  7. Oh yeah, I almost forgot...Brandon be careful of those tanning salons, as too much exposure to their UV Rays can prove harmful.

  8. Toni, I like the photos, the scenery is far prettier in Texas than I thought it would be...I really don't know why I thought that. And while you certainly have an array of different critters to entertain you, I guess it's also nice to have a bayou by you...clever what?

  9. Hi Don! I had to come to the hotel parking lot to get my email today real quick because my brother made a flyer for me for our meetings... since I got your e-mail (about no reply to your first comments) I thought I would also take the time to post this note to you. Thanks for relating to my 4 yr old frustrations. It's always nice to hear the words "me too."

    And for those of you who don't know Don Gillis. I met him my first year in Canada in Mission, BC. He was unloading a moving van all by himself and let Eric and I (perfect strangers) give him a hand. We've been friends ever since. He is always cracking jokes to add some humor to my life. He's good at decorating - you should see his snazzy apartment! He likes model trains and is building a whole room sized set up. And he has a green thumb! (Not to mention a big heart.) He took care of my three plants during the summer when I went home to Iowa. And they grew so much while I was gone I didn't recognize them!

  10. To the white Vancouverites
    Who complain of getting little sun:

    Because I know the both of you
    And what you do for work and fun.

    I have some tips for you to use.
    For starters here is one...

    GO OUTSIDE! totally by Toni : }
