Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sea Rim Adventure

Jacqueline Shelly and I took off on a 4 1/2 hour dash to the Gulf Coast.  The destination was Sea Rim State Park, which we were told was closed because of a hurricane last Sept.  I had never seen hurricane damage before - it was sickening.  I couldn't believe the destruction.

But, of course, Toni got us lost on the way! (yes, even with the Garmin navigator - it's not Toni proof)  We ended up on a little road that ran along the coast, right on the edge of the sea.  And the road was full of HUGE potholes!  This one was nearly knee deep!  It was super fun to four wheel on!  I will remember that as much as I remember the Gulf!

This is how all the houses were down there on the coast - on 10 foot stilts!  They still got destroyed though.  This one was newly rebuilt.

So we finally arrive at Sea Rim State park...
This was the bathhouse at Sea Rim State park.  There is nothing left but the skeleton!
(The sign caught our attention next!)

Stairs that lead to nothing... toilets randomly scattered around...

See how this metal rim on the table is completely folded over the wire!  I imagine it was blowing like a flag in the wind during the hurricane.  It gives one an erie feeling to think of the power that was there a few months ago, and knowing that we wouldn't have survived it.

Sea Rim State Park is literally at the rim of the ocean now.  The water washed out huge chunks of the land and everything "under."

This was a crab eating a blue jellyfish.  It looked like it was quite the fight for awhile!  I didn't feel bad for the jellyfish at the time because I didn't know what it was.  This picture kinda looks like the crab is preparing for a birthday party by blowing up balloons.

We could have made soup with the stuff washed up on the beach! There was even an onion!  But the water was so polluted though, it was black and thick like oil... yucky!

Has anyone ever seen this phenomenon?  These "mud balls" with little shells stuck in them were all over the beach.  What makes them roll up lie this?

These birds were very smart looking.

Looking back to the land side was knee high grass as far as you could see.  But the terrain is so flat, you don't see very far. Despite all the destruction the flowers still bloom...

The shells were so pretty!  We gathered a whole bucket full of them.  Jacq also found an artistic black bottle, and a coconut that had washed in. 

Thanks for going with me on our whirlwind adventure to the Gulf Coast, Jacq!  Luv you!

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