Thursday, July 2, 2009

Enjoy a Rest

“And God cares for everything and sustains everything that He has created.  He who upholds the unnumbered worlds throughout immensity, at the same time cares for the wants of the little brown sparrow that sings its humble song without fear.  When men go forth in their daily toil, as when they engage in prayer... each is tenderly watched by the Heavenly Father.  No tears are shed that God does not notice.  There is no smile that He does not mark.

“If we would fully believe this, all undue anxieties would be dismissed.  Our lives would not be so filled with disappointments as now; for everything whether small or great, would be left in the hands of God, who is not perplexed by the multiplicity of cares, or overwhelmed by their weight.  We should then enjoy a rest of soul to which many have long been strangers.”  Steps to Christ  pg. 86

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