Sunday, April 10, 2011

St Lucia Mission

I was blessed to be able to go on a mission trip to help with the building of a much needed school on the Caribbean island of St. Lucia. It is down at the end of all those little islands way south of Florida and not so far from Venezuela.

The pictures will give you an idea of the flora, fauna, and friends we met there. The video was created for a get together of the folks who went on the trip, so it is not narrated. I'll give a brief description of what we did there and you'll just have to guess as to the meaning behind the pictures:

Over 85 people from the church I am working with in Indiana (and a few from South Dakota, Minnesota, and Michigan jumped on board too) went down to lay tile for the new school. About 11,000 sq. ft of tile was laid! And a little room for a music building was started. Vacation Bible schools were held in 4 elementary schools. Health/hygiene talks were given at several schools. The Pastor was asked to come to two public schools to give out free Bibles and talk to the 7th graders about how to get to know God. Our medical teams went to villages and treated 460 people. And we all lived in two "houses" and kept up a family atmosphere by having worship together every morning and night and eating meals together as the various teams came back from their work sights. We made a lot of good friends and learned many precious lessons.

Enjoy a bit of St. Lucia!

The Work Sight: 10,000 sq. ft. of tile was laid in this new , much needed, elementary school.

While some worked, others visited schools in other villages and spoke to the kids about health.

One of the patients who came to the medical clinics.

The Grand Piton

A flying fish.

Lizard fighting to see who gets the female.

Fruits of St. Lucia

Our team (most of us anyway).

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