Sunday, June 13, 2010

Gentleness: Kindness in Action

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness...

Whenever I think of gentleness I remember a friend I used to have. He was anything but gentle. Whenever he took something out of your hand he snatched it out, caring not whether he jerked your arm or scratched you with his fingernails. If he was walking by you, you had better get out of the way or he would bowl you right over. And whisper was not a part of his volume options. You've heard the expression: “like a bull in a china closet.” He was like that!

I always thought this verse was talking about being the opposite of my friend. I thought gentleness was touching things lightly, being delicate, not getting in the way, and speaking softly... soft was the key word.

It was interesting to me to find that the original Greek word used in this listing of the fruits of the Spirit isn’t really referring to some kind of softness. The definition is: usefulness, excellence in character or demeanor, kindness; employed; to furnish what is needed. So that’s why some Bible versions use the word “kindness” in place of the King James’ version “gentleness.”

One of the fruits of the Spirit is kindness. And this kindness is “employed,” “furnishes what is needed,” “useful.”

All my life, I have had such a desire to be useful. My motivations have varied over the years. Sometimes I desire to be useful to others so that they will be useful to me in return. Sometimes I have desire to be useful because others needs are so huge that it hurts me to see them unfulfilled. Sometimes I would like people to see me as a very kind person, because I admire kind people, and I want people to admire me.

But true kindness is not a desire to be kind and useful. It is BEING kind and useful. It is furnishing what is needed. It is being employed actively for others. And that is a whole other story... A story that is not about me, but about others!

My friend actually had more gentleness than I did! He at least had the action part down! (Granted he could have been a little softer in his manner of going about things.) But he was always in full speed action for others, whereas I as softly living for myself!

I’m thankful to learn that this characteristic of gentle-kindness, usefulness employed for others, is something that the Holy Spirit produces in us. I can’t produce it in myself without my self getting in the mix!

“Thou hast also given me the shield of Thy salvation: and Thy right hand has held me up, and Thy gentleness hath made me great.” Psalm 18:35 I’m glad God is gentle!

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