Thursday, March 24, 2011

A New Mission and Recalibration

It is hard to believe that I have been in Indiana for two months already. I came here on the terms of at least a three year commitment (the longest I have ever been in one place), and I thought that it would feel like a VERY long time to be in one place. But if the rest of that time goes as quickly as these two months, it won't seem like long at all!

This is a picture of the church; and below it, the house I will move into eventually.

My first assignment here has been to visit all the church members (about 260 attending). It has been so much fun to get to know everyone. I have especially enjoyed visiting all the retired pastors, teachers, colporters, and missionaries; they have so many experiences to share and have gained so much wisdom!

I had the opportunity to help out with a Purity Retreat for the girls at the Christian Highschool connected with the church. And, so far, my favorite part of the job is joining the Pastoral staff as they lead out in Friday morning worship with the elementary school students - the little kids are so full of life and joy.

This past week 85 of the church members went to St. Lucia for a mission trip. I really enjoyed getting to know everyone on our team and the St. Lucian Christians we met. I will post a separate article on that so I can show you a lot of pictures.

Right now I am living with a dear couple who have taken me in as their daughter. They already feel like family to me, and I appreciate their generosity. [Mr. Teeter is even letting me use half of his garden this summer!] Eventually I will move into my own house right next to the church! I am excited to have my own home where I can have my family come stay with me and invite people over for meals, etc. Right now the house is nearly "gutted" for remodeling; but I can picture how cute it will be with Grandma's furniture and my plants...

The last few months have been a sort of transition for me. I've been recognizing my need to prioritize and keep a tighter focus on life. There is so much to keep one busy and so many good things to do that it is too easy to get caught in the "rip-tides" and never get where you want to go. (Since I can't swim this has double meaning for me!)

Trying to set a schedule and prioritizing life is difficult to say the least! I really appreciated a sermon that the Pastor I work for here in Cicero, Indiana, gave a month ago. He called it "Re-Calibrating for Rendezvous." The sermon strengthened my convictions that I need to really think about where my life is headed and what needs recalibrating in order to meet the destination I desire. Below is a list of some of the things I wrote in my journal after much thinking on the subject. Maybe you would like to make your own list?

~ spend more time with all of my family
~ keep in better contact with the people I have met everywhere
~ less chit-chat and more eternal-reality conversations
~ more intentional in caring for my health (may need it!)
~ pay more attention to the Holy Spirit's convictions
~ spend as little time as possible on "everyday life" (simplify)
~ think more about how to best use my resources
~ repent sooner/let God change me quicker
~ take time every day to remember how good God is and the Hope we have
~ keep my eyes and ears open (to "take in" the things that are happening all around us) and appreciate the wise and wonderful things God is doing to prepare us all for transition from this mess of a world to Heavenly love and rightness for all eternity. I want to capture the moments in as much detail as possible, so I can share it with the whole universe someday.